Dr. Jason Hwang
Dr. Jason Hwang started dental school in 2012, when Detroit was undergoing hard times. He volunteered then as a student to help people in poor communities. Jason realized that, with dental care, hope was the biggest thing he gave. Dr. Hwang is driven daily by the smiles he sees and hope in his patients. This passion for returning smiles makes him such an inspiration to Team Roncesvalles Dentistry.
Education :
University of Pennsylvania Microsurgery Training Center
University of Toronto Implant Residency Continuing Education
University of Detroit Mercy, Doctor of Dental Surgery
University of Windsor
Certifications :
Mastership in the ADSA College of Sedation in Dentistry
“Mechanical Properties of Trinia, a composite substructure material for implant supported prosthesis”. Hwang M, Bouza A, Ojha AK. 2014 ACP Annual Session.
“Use of locator abutment over stuck implant component – a case report”. Bouza A, Hwang M, Ojha AK. 2014 ACP Annual Session.
“Evaluating a Dental Service Learning Program Mission Mexico 2014”. Hwang M, Manning-Lee L. 2015 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition.